Mortise Lock - Guangdong Archie Hardware (Archie)

Mortise locks are essentially a lock that is installed into a pocket or some kind of socket to place into a door. Mortise locks are used in many countries and are specifically used on buildings that are historically constructed.
Many mortise lock manufactures produce all kinds of varied forms of the mortise lock that differ in size and hardware style. Archie is a professional mortise lock supplier that provides top quality locks for all kinds of doors in any environment required. The locks can be used in your home or in more professional settings such as an office.
Archie ensures that the mortise lock is consulted and installation correctly when you choose to purchase the lock from them. Their customer service is able to provide after sales support that will ensure your mortise lock is running well.
Mortise locks are usually used on doors that are made of wood as they work best with them and are popular in particular the UK. It offers a unique locking framework from suppliers that will provide the best mortise lock that can be beneficial if in need of a simple but effective lock.
There are different types of designs that Archie offer to ensure your experience with using Mortise locks. Usually a standard mortise lock with include two hinges, sash lock and two keys, Archie can easily provide these.

For enhanced security and privacy this type of lock can be ideal especially for internal or external doors leading to private rooms that are reserved to specific people, such as an office. The mortise sash lock has a design type of a 3 lever therefore making it more accustomed for using on an internal door that can have a locking system.
The mortise lock from Archie can also be used in bathrooms in your home on the doors for added privacy and security. The hinges are strong and secure, ensuring a safe enclosed locking system. They can also be used in offices where there are bathrooms and only open to certain people such as staff members.
Mortise lock manufactures ensure that different types of locks are made to fit every standard door or a custom build that may be required. Lever mortise locks are common in the UK where the lever locks are not too different to other types.
 Generally a key is entered into the locking system that will move levers to the valid height required to enable to bolt to lock the door and when required, unlock. It is an easy to use system that works well for any environment that wants a safe and secure locking system.
There are also different levers numbers based on the thickness of the door in question, and can be examined on consultation by Archie. They will be able to determine if the door hardware suppliers requires 2 or more levers to make it more secure based on the thickness of the door. 


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